Monday, November 1, 2010

DNA and replacement organs

From: Trout, Larry R @


One of the biggest benefits from the continuing plunge in DNA testing costs is going to be earlier diagnosis of cancers. One DNA test under development for colon cancer detection will be usable at home...


Since some cancers develop literally over almost 2 decades early diagnosis opens up the potential of finding and removing cancers long before they become life threatening. Once home tests of blood and saliva for DNA (and likely for antigens) to detect cancer become cheap and widely available the challenge is going to be to find the early stage cancers. Early stage means they will be small. How to find them?

If the tests can narrow down the cancer source to a single organ then excising the cancerous tissue might not be continue to be necessary. Eventually we'll be able go in for new replacement organs. If a test could, for example, indicate presence of a pancreatic cancer 10 years before it will metastasize then in 2030 the solution might be to start growing a new one in a lab. Get the new one after 6 months or a year and toss out the old one.


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