Saturday, February 1, 2025

Abigail Shrier: How the Gender Fever Finally Broke

When the history of 21st-century gender mania is written, it should include this signal entry: In 2020, a website called GoFundMe, usually a place to find disaster-relief appeals and charities for starving children, contained more than 30,000 urgent appeals from young women seeking to remove their perfectly healthy breasts.

Another entry, from June 2020: The New England Journal of Medicine, America's platinum medical publication, published a piece explaining that biological sex is actually "assigned at birth" by a doctor—and not a verifiable fact, based on our gametes, stamped into every one of our cells. In fact, biological sex ought to be deleted from our birth certificates—the authors claimed—because a person's biological sex serves "no clinical utility." Breaking news to gynecologists.

Public schools began asking elementary kids whether they might like to identify as "genderqueer" or "nonbinary." Any dissent from this gender movement was met with suppression. The American Civil Liberties Union's most prominent lawyer, Chase Strangio, announced his intention to suppress Irreversible Damage, my book-length investigation into the sudden spike in transgender identification among teen girls. "Stopping the circulation of this book and these ideas is 100% a hill I will die on," he tweeted. Weeks later, Amazon deleted Ryan Anderson's book criticizing the transgender medical industry.

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